В синем море, в белой пене: впечатляющие фотографии обитателей подводного мира

Делимся лучшими работами ежегодного конкурса подводной фотографии Ocean Art.
Backlit Blenny. Honorable Mention, Macro. Greg Sherman: «I came across this gulf signal blenny displaying frequently on a dive in Mexico's Sea of Cortez. After approaching slowly, I positioned my snoot so as to backlight the fish when its dorsal fin was fully unfurled.
Мерцающая морская собачка
Greg Sherman / Ocean Art
Sea Lion Playing in Sardine Ball. 1st Place, Black & White. Joergen Rasmussen: «Each November, sardines aggregate off the Mexican west coast. This in turn attracts many predators. Working with a local fisherman, we searched the deep water offshore near the continental shelf, and we spotted a lonely sea lion. The sea lion was chasing sardines, and the ball was constantly changing shape as the sea lion broke it up.
Морской лев играет со стаей сардин
Joergen Rasmussen / Ocean Art
Mother's Day. 2nd Place, Marine Life Behavior. A mother and calf West Indian manatee swim together in Crystal River, Florida.
«День матери»: мама и детеныш ламантины
Josh Raia / Ocean Art
Pygmy Poser. 2nd Place, Macro. A pygmy seahorse, photographed in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
Карликовый морской конек в проливе Лембе, Индонезия
Byron Conroy / Ocean Art
Giving Birth. Honorable Mention, Marine Life Behavior. A seahorse releases babies off the east coast of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Морской конек выпускает детенышей у восточного побережья Центрального Сулавеси, Индонезия
Todd Aki / Ocean Art
Circle of Life. Honorable Mention, Compact Behavior. Andrea Michelutti: «I found this Favorinus tsuruganus, along with its eggs, on the egg ribbon of the Spanish dancer. The bright colors and intricate designs of the nudibranchs are captivating, but they hide a harsh reality. The nudibranch in the foreground is feeding of the eggs of another of its kind: The ribbon of purple eggs laid by the Spanish dancer fell prey to the Favorinus tsuruganus, which also deposited its white eggs on top.»
Моллюск Favorinus tsuruganus откладывает яйца поверх потомства другого моллюска, известного как Spanish dancer
Andrea Michelutti / Ocean Art
Ms. Elegant. Honorable Mention, Nudibranchs. Cédric Péneau: «Bornella anguilla is a very elegant nudibranch, well known for its capacity to swim like an eel, hence its name. It is not common where I live, so I was delighted to find it during a night dive, seeing it moving and raising its head as is pictured in this shot.» Photographed off Réunion Island.
Bornella anguilla — очень элегантный голожаберный моллюск
Cédric Péneau / Ocean Art
Spotlight Nudibranch. 3rd Place, Nudibranchs. Jenny Stock: «I captured this spotlight nudibranch as a silhouette on the back of a fallen leaf in the beautiful warm waters of Tulamben, Bali.»
Силуэт голожаберного моллюска у берегов Бали
Jenny Stock / Ocean Art
Wroom. 3rd Place, Compact Wide Angle. A motorcycle, photographed in the wreck of the SS Thistlegorm, that was sunk in the Red Sea in 1941
Мотоцикл, сфотографированный на месте крушения британского вооруженного сухогруза SS Thistlegorm, затонувшего в Красном море в 1941 году
Andrea Michelutti / Ocean Art
Aquatic Primate. 1st Place, Portrait, and Winner, Best in Show. A crab-eating macaque forages in waters off Thailand’s Phi Phi Islands.
Макака, питающаяся крабами, добывает корм в водах у островов Пхипхи в Таиланде
Suliman Alatiqi / Ocean Art